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Home Connection

Ellensburg Home Connection is a homeschooling partnership designed to support homeschool families living in our district through flexible opportunities within a classroom setting and taught by a certificated teacher, while also providing a curriculum for families to use at home.  We offer K-8 classroom time 1-2 times per week and support for home-based courses and curriculum. Families participating in the program have the opportunity to select from a variety of curriculum options that best fit the needs and goals of their child and family.  In person classroom meetings provide an opportunity for academic enrichment and social opportunities for students. 

If you would like more information, please contact Lynn Leslie, the Ellensburg Choice Schools secretary at 509.925.8182 to set up a time to meet with our Home Connection teacher.

  • In general, district homeschool partnerships exist to assist families with their homeschooling efforts.  Students who participate in these programs are enrolled in their school district and considered to be public school students.  Most district homeschool partnerships offer on-site classes.  Most district homeschool partnerships provide access to some district curricular and online resources and develop a library of other district-approved curricula that can be used at home. All district homeschool partnerships in our state require a certificated teacher to develop a student learning plan in partnership with the family and require monthly progress updates for both on-site and home-based classes.  

  • What we can offer next year will be based on enrollment and what services families would like to receive.  We have a certificated teacher, Deanne Varnum, who will help develop and manage student learning plans.  We will offer in-person enrichment classes that support all subjects, including math, science, ELA and the arts.  We work with families on selecting appropriate instructional materials for home-based classes and have a process to request materials for addition to our library for check out for home use.  Our classroom is located off of the library at Ellensburg High School for on-site classes, with a seating area in the library so that parents can observe classes, wait with other children, and peruse our curriculum resources.

  • Please contact the program secretary, Lynn Leslie at 509.925.8182 to ask questions or schedule a time for a call or visit.