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Ellensburg Choice Schools offer students and families more flexible learning options than our comprehensive schools.  We operate under state Alternative Learning Experiece (ALE) guidelines. ALE is public education, available to all public school districts and public charter schools in Washington state, where some or all of the instruction is delivered outside of a regular classroom schedule. The intent of ALE is to ensure that students have educational opportunities designed to meet their individualized needs.  We have three programs: Big Picture High School, Ellensburg Home Connection, and Ellensburg Virtual Academy.  New for the 2024-25 school year, we will also be offering Ellensburg Open Doors, for students who have dropped out or are significantly credit deficient and still hoping to earn a diploma or career placement and training.  Our office and on-site programs are located on the Third Avenue side of Ellensburg High School. Our office hours are 8:00 am to 2:30 pm Monday - Friday.  Please contact our program secretary, Lynn Leslie at 509.925.8182 for more information.

  • Ellensburg Big Picture Learning school is open to grades 9-12.  We are located on the campus of Ellensburg High School, but have a separate entrance and classroom area. Students will attend on-site school, complete integrated projects and work in our community with mentors on job shadows, internships and community service opportunities. 

  • Ellensburg Home Connection supports families who homeschool their students. We offer on-site classes for students in grades K-8 and support for implementing families' homeschool curriculum.

    Please see the EHC page for more information on what this may look like.

  • Ellensburg Virtual Academy (EVA) is available to students at every grade level. Full-time students take six online courses with Washington State-certified teachers through the Edgenuity Instructional Services platform.  At the elementary level, we only accept full-time enrollment.  At the secondary level, we accept half-time to full-time enrollment.  Students are required to do work in all of their classes weekly and to pass their classes at monthly progress checks to be eligible for continued enrollment in the program.  Students work on their courses at home, and all classes are all asynchronous.  

    Please see the EVA page for more information.

  • Washington State requires that all parents are told the difference between ALE and home-based instruction.

    Statement of Understanding

    The purpose of this declaration is to clarify the three legal choices of education available to children in Washington State; public, private and home-based (home schooling) instruction. Students are considered either one or the other.

    Home Based Instruction is authorized under RCW 28A.225. Where the parent has filed an annual Declaration of Intent with the district and is meeting the requirements stated in Chapter 28A.225, the student is eligible to receive Home Based Instruction. Students receiving Home Based Instruction are not enrolled in public education, they do not have to comply with the rules and regulations regarding public schools RCW 28A.200.010 (3). Because the student is not registered or enrolled in the public school, the school district is under no obligation to provide instruction or instructional materials for classes. Home Based Instruction students are not required to participate in any district or State assessments RCW 28A.200.010 (3). Additionally Home Based Instruction students are not eligible for graduation through a public high school unless they meet all of the graduation requirements established by the state, district and local high school, including earning the Certificate of Academic Achievement.

    Private School Students are students enrolled in an approved private school in the State of Washington. Students receiving private school instruction are not enrolled in public education; they do not have to comply with the rules and regulations regarding public schools. Students enrolled in private schools are not required to participate in all district and State Assessments. However, private school students are not eligible for graduation through a public high school until they meet all of the graduation requirements established by the state, district and local high school, including earning the Certificate of Academic Achievement.

    Private School or Home Based Instruction Students may have access to ancillary services, and may enroll in a public school course on a part time basis where space is available. Part-time enrollment is defined as being less than full-time enrollment. In these cases, the student is responsible for maintaining acceptable attendance and meeting all course and school requirements. The student is considered to be a Private School or Home Based Instruction student, when enrolled part-time in a public school setting. Public school courses and classes in which the student is enrolled are under the direct control of the District and the certificated teacher supervising the course. Other classes, taught by the parent or the private school, are not part of the public school’s responsibility. Therefore, for all classes in which a student is enrolled in a public school, individual class requirements, school and district attendance rules, and school behavior policies must be followed. For classes taken under home-based instruction or as a private school student, the limitations and restrictions noted in paragraphs one and two above, are in force.

    Public School Students enrolling in a public school as a full-time student are neither Private School Students nor Home Based Instruction students – they are considered public school students and are subject to the rules and regulations governing the actions of all public school students. This includes, but is not limited to attendance, meeting course requirements, graduation requirements, and assessment requirements. Full-time students are eligible for graduation from a public high school upon meeting all of the school, district and state requirements.

    All instructional materials used for public school instruction must meet the standards set forth by the local school district and must be free from sectarian control or influence.

  • Lynn Leslie, program secretary: 509.925.8182

    Haley Naboychik, principal: 509.925.8181